It is always fun to see the all the milestones babies go through.
Ben is now working on Crawling. He can get onto his knees and even move his feet and hands but he doesn't quite move forward yet. We are excited to see him crawl; but as every parent says
"once they're mobile, they are 10 times more work."
For Christmas we got Ben this little Train. You put the little Peek-a-boo blocks on the train and it lights up and spins the the inner of the block. Also when you push down the green smoke stack the train moves forward. Anyways, He's finally able to play with it, now that he can sit up all on his own.
We bought an exersuacer for Ben the other day. We played in another one at a neighbors house and he loved it so we got him one of his own. As you can tell he loves his own. The best part is that it is strengthening his legs and he is already walking with help. Mostly he wabbles but It's fun for us to walk him around the house.